Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Karmic debt

I moved in May. For some reason, the Universe won't allow me to settle in one place for very long.

Just when I finished unpacking and was looking to find homes for the last of my "stuff," some guy two floors up from me hires a guy who thinks he knows a little something-something about plumbing. But he didn't really. He broke a pipe that managed to flood out four apartments, up to two floors down. This included mine. *le sigh*

I woke up on the morning of July 4th and staggered into my kitchen intent on making a strong pot of coffee. It took me a good 30 seconds to assess that the puddle I was standing in should not actually be there, gathered on my kitchen floor.

Fast forward a month and a half, I'm out of my apartment for the next week, feeling very much like a refugee might...except that I have considerably more bagged stashed in the trunk of my car. And the cats are at the sitter, as traumatized as I am.

It's not like I don't have a place to stay. The point is, it's not my place.

Who can I blame? Who's fault is it? Who's the rat bastard who's inconvenienced me yet again? What did I do that I have this weird karmic debt of never being able to settle in to one place?

I'll feel better if I know that my creatures haven't been so traumatized from being at the sitter that they've gone into cardiac arrest. It would help if the one little guy didn't always run, hide, and play possum.

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